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An uplifting coastal tale

Marari beach

The fisherfolk of Mararikulam and their gentle ways of life have been the inspiration for Marari beach. Everything, from our thatched cottages to the upkeep of our property, echoes the simplicity, beauty and harmony that underlie Malabar’s coastal cultures. Nature and wellness are omnipresent at Marari and oversee all your experiences. The bracing but gentle sun here will touch and tone your skin, holding you in its warm and invigorating embrace as you stroll, swim or sit by the sea.
For nature lovers of every shade, know that Marari is a rare showcase of diversity. Our naturalists will tell you about the complex ecosystems that define the unique ecology of the Malabar coasts. We have cataloged 97 species of butterflies, 350 species of endemic plants, 3 varieties of turtles, 10 types of frogs and around 80 species of birds that you will encounter depending on the season.
A Village By The Sea

Ecology, Community, Culture